Advent has released its Offense Index for the first half of Calendar 2023 which tracks the types of criminal offenses for which Advent eLearning clients assigned our online intervention courses.
So far for 2023, Advent has delivered and supported over 40,000 intervention courses for US criminal justice agencies. Advent serves hundreds of clients across the criminal justice spectrum, throughout the US, including prosecutors, courts, law enforcement agencies, and probation/community corrections.
Our online intervention courses are used in a variety of applications, including diversion and alternative sentencing programs, law enforcement pre-file diversions, court-ordered treatment programs, and for probation/corrections sanction applications.
Advent courses are designed specifically to address types of criminal behaviors; this index assumes our criminal justice clients are using the Advent eLearning platform to assign the online interventions most appropriate for the offenses committed.
In the first half of 2023, about a third of programs assigned were for substance offenses, including alcohol and marijuana offenses and violations. This included rapid growth in the use of our Victim Impact Panel in diversions and impaired driving sentencing cases. Later this year, Advent will release an expanded version of our marijuana course to include THC analogs such as Delta 8.
About 17 percent of interventions were assigned for misdemeanor traffic offenses, with growth driven primarily through the increased use of our behavioral-based Defensive Driving course in reckless, no-insurance and license suspension/reinstatement programs. Another 17 percent of courses were assigned for theft and retail theft offenses.
Approximately 13 percent assigned general cognition programs for either nuisance violations or in general probation sanction applications. This cognitive-behavioral treatment methodology also forms the basis of Advent Level II courses, which have seen significant growth in 2023.
Just over 10% of courses were assigned for personal conflict offenses such as misdemeanor assault or harassment. Later this year, Advent will be expanding our Anger Management course to include more instruction on conflict resolution treatment and techniques.
Around three percent were assigned for juvenile and status offenses including underage alcohol or marijuana possession, school conflicts and juvenile sexting.
Finally, a combined six percent of interventions related to family court sanctions, firearm violations, animal and wildlife code violations, prostitution buyers, and financial crimes and fraud.
Course Key
The following are the online intervention programs tracked and matched to likely offenses:
Alcohol = Alcohol & Substance Abuse levels I & II; Impaired Driving levels I & II; Victim Impact Panel
Animal & Wildlife = Animal Care; Boating & Outdoors; Hunting Responsibility
Assault/Harass = Anger Management levels I & II; Harassment
Family = Parenting
Financial/Fraud = Financial Crimes
Firearms = Firearm Responsibility
Larceny = Shoplifting; Theft levels I & II
Marijuana = Marijuana Education levels I & II
Nuisance/Other = Corrective Thinking; Life Skills
Sex/Moral = Prostitution; Revenge Porn
Status/Juvenile = Bullying; Juvenile Conflict Resolution; Juvenile Sexting; Underage Alcohol & Substance Abuse levels I & II
Traffic Misdemeanors = Defensive Driving
Learn More
Do these metrics track with your agency’s case load and alternate resolutions? You can use the powerful ad-hoc reporting capabilities in the Advent eLearning platform to find out!
If you need assistance in using our reporting capabilities, please don’t hesitate to contact Client Services (help@adventfs.com) for help or training. If you’re not currently an Advent client, or you’d like to evaluate any of our online intervention programs for your agency, please contact your Advent sales representative or send an email to info@adventfs.com.