If you’re convicted of a theft crime, you may have to complete an anti-theft course as part of your sentence. These classes are also commonly referred to as “Diversion” or “Alternative Sentencing” classes.
What Does an 8 Hour Theft Class Consist Of?
You may be required to complete an 8-hour class if you’re convicted of certain crimes, including most types of theft. If you’re required to take an online course, there are a few things to keep in mind: -Not all online classes are accredited. – There are credible resources for online courses like Advent eLearning you can use knowing that certifications from Advent provided upon successful course completion are accepted by hundreds of courts across the country. -You may have to pay for the course. Most online classes are not free.
How Long Does it Take to Complete a Theft Class?
On average, it takes about 4 or 8 hours to complete an online anti-theft class. Check to see if there was a time requirement associated with the class the court ordered you to take. It’s worth noting, however, that you may not be able to complete the entire class in one sitting. You may need to complete it over a few days, or even a few weeks, depending on your schedule. If you’re working full-time, for example, you may need to set aside a couple of hours per week to make progress.
Which Course is Best for You?
The first thing you should do is look at the requirements of your sentence. What did the judge order you to do? In most cases, you can choose from a couple of different courses. But, if you don’t know what’s required, the best thing to do is contact the court where you were convicted and ask for instructions. Once you know which course you need to take, you can start looking for an online class that fits your needs. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you shop around: -Price: Some courses are inexpensive, and others cost a few hundred dollars. -Length: Some online classes are as short as 2 hours. Others are 8 hours long. -Accreditation: Make sure the class you select is accredited by an approved organization. -Administration: Check out the website and/or reach out to customer support to see how the class is run. You don’t want to get stuck in an online course that isn’t user-friendly.
Which Platform Should You Choose?
There are a lot of different online courses that you can take to satisfy your theft class requirement. You may be able to find the course you need through your state’s court system, or you may need to use a private company. If you use a private company, you’ll need to select the course that’s offered through that company’s website. For your own peace of mind, rest assured you can use the Advent eLearning platform knowing that certifications from Advent provided upon successful course completion are accepted by courts across the country.
Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Animal Care
Boating & Outdoors
Conflict Resolution
Corrective Thinking
Defensive Driving
Financial Crimes
Firearm Responsibility
Hunting Responsibility
Impaired Driving
Juvenile Sexting
Life Skills
Revenge Porn
Traffic Safety
Underage Substance
Victim Impact Panel
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